Children begin learning the moment they are born, and the sounds they hear impact their brain development, cognition, and understanding of the world around them. Vancouver Academy of Music (VAM) is a leader in innovative music education experiences and employs an international roster of distinguished musicians and educators intent on staying current with the latest research. At VAM, they believe that starting music education at a young age sets children up for a lifetime of success and personal development as music is used as a tool for self-expression and communication. Their belief that, “music education resonates for everyone, at every age” demonstrates their commitment to a robust and high-quality offering of programs for every learner.

Vancouver Academy of Music Smart Start Lessons

That’s why the Vancouver Academy of Music is thrilled to partner with the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) to introduce the Smart Start program for children ages 0-6 years old to jump-start their music education. Beginning in the 2024-2025 academic school year, Smart Start’s curriculum, crafted by Dr. Sean Hutchins and RCM’s Neuroscience Research Centre,  is designed to blend music education and neuroscience through an inclusive and positive atmosphere with plenty of movement-based play. By enrolling your child in age-appropriate music education from birth, children develop critical cognitive skills, such as memory, perception, attention, and flexibility, at a much faster pace than peers who start their music education once they enter elementary school. Through rich music education, child develop vocabulary acquisition and pre-reading skills much quicker than their peers.  In fact, many extremely successful people credit the skills and work ethic they developed through learning an instrument young to success in their academic careers and daily life as they got older.

Vancouver Academy of Music Smart Start Lessons

The Smart Start program at Vancouver Academy of Music divides music education according to age to ensure developmentally appropriate activities at each stage.

Age 0-12 months: During these 45-minute classes, babies and their caregivers will use songs, gentle bouncing games, finger plays, and movement to explore beat, rhythm and listening skills. In these multisensory classes, babies will connect with their caregivers as they explore the basic components of music education.

Age 12-24 months: This age group is on the move! Whether they are just about to take their first steps or running around, music education for these little ones focuses on harnessing the power of music to teach body control, coordination and spatial awareness through walking, dancing and age-appropriate percussion. Children will be introduced to shakers, drums and bells as they imitate the instructor, work on developing their music memory, and engage in creative play.

Vancouver Academy of Music Smart Start LessonsAge 2 years old: Toddlers are little bundles of energy excited to learn and take in the world around them. This Smart Start class focuses on developing gross motor skills by helping them learn how to move their body in time with music and sounds. Cognitive skills such as remembering songs, recognizing perceptual cues, and sustaining attention are all stepping stones to more complex cognition as children get older. Instruments such as maracas, drums, and a focus on learning to take turns while having fun and making music ensure that your toddler will leave excited and begging to return to each class.

Age 3 years old: Having built the foundations of music education and basic cognition skills, 3-year-olds are ready to take it to the next level in their development. At this age, preschoolers love hearing their own voice (a blessing and a curse for caregivers!). At Vancouver Music Academy, this is the perfect age to develop their singing voices alongside their awareness of tempo, meter, pitch and volume. Through movement-based games, multi-arts activities, and group engagement, socialization skills are developed.

Vancouver Academy of Music Smart Start Lessons

If you want to jump-start your child’s music education, but you’re past the early years stage, Vancouver Academy of Music offers a wide range of programs for all ages, including private lessons, orchestra programs, and adult learning.  Don’t miss out on the opportunity to give your child a head start with our in-demand Smart Start program! Act now to secure a spot:

Smart Start Summer Sampler Program: Experience a taste of the classes with this three-session sampler, perfect to get a sense of the class activities.

Smart Start Fall Enrollment: Fall registration for the 24/25 academic year is now open. If you have summer plans, don’t worry! Check out VAM’s Fall Schedule and take advantage of early registration.

For further information and to register, click here.

Vancouver Academy of Music:

When: September 2024-June 2025
Time: Varies based on day and age
Location: Vancouver Academy of Music
Address: 1270 Chestnut Street, Vancouver