The International Space Station is responsible for, literally, out-of-this world research. But, thanks to Chris Hadfield, the ISS became more accessible and fascinating to all of us when he was in charge. He was the first Canadian to be the top commander of the ISS. Recently I read his book “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life On Earth”. The man is an inspiration on a normal day. But right now, as we are all experiencing the isolation associated with COVID-19, Chris Hadfield has a bank of knowledge we can all draw up. The man was isolated, above the Earth, for 6 months with no more than 5 other people at any given time. If anyone knows how to weather being trapped in a small space it’s Chris Hadfield.
Recently Chris Hadfield spoke to CBC and shared tips of self-isolation. He firmly believes we all now have an opportunity to be productive amid a wealth of technology.
Check out Chris Hadfield’s interview here.
Chris Hadfield – An Expert in Space and Isolation:
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