Mirvish Productions presents “To Kill A Mockingbird”, a play adaptation of Harper Lee’s classic book, written by the Academy Award-winning author Aaron Sorkin. Starring Richard Thomas as Atticus Finch with direction by Tony Award-winner Bartlett Sher, the play chronicles the childhood of Scout and Jem Finch as their honourable father defends a Black man who is falsely accused in a small town in Alabama.
Note: This play contains racially explicit language and costumes, as well as references to sexual abuse, and brief gunfire audio. Recommended for ages 12+.
Mirvish Productions: “To Kill A Mockingbird”
When: May 28 — June 2, 2024
Time: Tuesday-Sunday 7:30pm, Wednesday 1:30pm, Saturday-Sunday 2:00pm (*Understudy will perform the role of Atticus Finch on May 29)
Where: CAA Ed Mirvish Theatre, 244 Victoria Street, Toronto
Website: www.mirvish.com
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