Mirvish Productions hosts The Illusionists for their festive show titled “Magic of the Holidays” at the majestic Princess of Wales Theatre for eight shows only! A mind-blowing showcase by jaw-dropping talents, The Illusionists dazzle audiences of all ages with outrageous and astonishing acts, in a performance packed with illusions, close-up magic, mentalism, daring escapes, and technological spectacle.
Note: The shows uses haze, fog, and loud noise. Recommended all ages over 2yrs. Infants 2 years of age and under will not be admitted to the auditorium.
Mirvish Productions: “The Illusionists – Magic of the Holidays”
When: November 28 – December 3, 2023
Time: Tuesday-Saturday 7:30pm, Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 1:30pm
Where: Princess of Wales Theatre, 300 King Street West, Toronto
Website: www.mirvish.com
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