The Odd Life of Timothy Green opens in theatres today. It is one of those heartwarming, inspiring movies that sticks with you for days after you have watched it. The story takes place in the small town of Stanleyville. Cindy and Jim Green (played by Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton) have learned they will never be able to have a biological child. Working through the heartbreak of this news they sit down and write out all the traits and qualities their perfect child would have had. They place the sheets of paper in a wooden box and bury it in their garden. That night, a mysterious storm hits and an even more mysterious little boy appears in the their home referring to Cindy and Jim as mom and dad.
One of the ongoing themes in the film is Timothy’s connection to nature. He does after all, have leaves sprouting from his legs. Here is an activity kit with nature inspired crafts and games for your family to enjoy these last few weeks of summer.
Oh and ps. when you go see the movie prepare to laugh your heart out but bring some tissues too!