Forget storm chasing – today’s big weather hunters are flocking to Newfoundland to take selfies with a massive iceberg that has run aground in the shallow waters off the tiny coastal town of Ferryland.

Credit: Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism
Iceberg watching along the eastern coast of Labrador and Newfoundland is a time-honoured tradition for locals and visitors alike. Iceberg Alley, as the stretch of coast from Labrador to the northeast coast of Newfoundland is called, is one of the most popular places in the world to witness these massive chunks of ice. Typically, you’ll need to head out onto the water by boat, kayak or helicopter to get a real sense of the scale of these icy beasts, but the Ferryland iceberg is unusually large and close to shore, making it an excellent photobomb prop.
Unfortunately, the Ferryland iceberg is slowing moving away from shore, and won’t be available for epic selfies much longer. With this year being a banner year for icebergs so far though, we’ve got everything you need to know about the incredible iceberg viewing in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Book your trip now
These glacial giants arrive each spring, and 2017 has been a banner year for early season icebergs. There were just under 40 icebergs spotted at the end of March, but the number has since skyrocketed past 600. With sightings at their peak in May and early June, there’s still plenty of time to plan a trip to the coast.
Get the best view
Icebergs will be plentiful, but you can pinpoint with some degree of accuracy where the biggest and baddest of the bunch are using The site uses satellite and eye-witness reports to locate the bergs – but of course they move and melt constantly, so do note the time of the report on the site.
Take a boat or sea kayak tour to learn about the icebergs from a certified tour guide, who can take you to the best viewing spot and tell you about the composition and movement of icebergs. You’ll also have a better chance of seeing some of the thousands of whales and millions of seabirds migrating north at this time of year.
Enjoy the party
East coasters really know how to throw a party, and The Iceberg Festival that takes place every June on the Great Northern Peninsula is no exception. Enjoy music, food, entertainment, history, culture and, of course, lots of iceberg ice cubes in iceberg beverages (yes, you can buy water, gin, and rum and beer made with water melted from icebergs!).

Credit: Newfoundland and Labrador Tourism