Sparkling Hill

Travel Dreams for 2015 Ramla I-Hamra, Malta courtesy Viewing Malta
4 Over the top Travel Dreams Plus Places We’ll Actually Go

I like the blank white pages of a pristine calendar. All those days, all those possibilities. No dentist appointments or school meetings or obligations to mar the boxes. No “bill due” scrawled in red or “P” in the corner of every second Thursday by which to measure how long of
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Walnut Beach Resort Beachside
3 Reasons to stay at Walnut Beach Resort in Osoyoos

While chatting with a friend at hockey about our recent trip to Osoyoos she asked “Did you stay at the place that everyone loves to stay at when they go to Osoyoos?” The answer was a definite yes; we stayed at Walnut Beach Resort. And there’s a very good reason
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It Pays to Stay at Sparkling Hill #SHRsurprise! The Big Reveal

Sparkling Hill Resort in Vernon, B.C. has launched an exciting new giveaway that guests won’t see coming – literally. From August 15 until September 14, every 100th guest checking out will receive their entire stay for free. That fabulous dinner at the PeakFine restaurant? On the house. The purely blissful
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Sparkling Hill Serenity Room
The Importance of Friendship: 4 Ways to Make Time for your Girlfriends

Growing up with brothers, I never really understood the concept of sisterhood. It seemed to me that my friends with sisters were always fighting, competing and annoying each other, so I never felt that I was missing out on anything. And then I had children. The women I needed after
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ExNihilo Wine_Tasting room
A Little Taste of Heaven in the Okanagan Valley

Any occasion that gives me a break from cooking for my family or myself is a welcome one. It’s not that I can’t cook – I’m certainly recipe-literate. I’m just not one who loves the prep work and mess required to get food on the table. When I was invited
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Sparkling Hill Serenity Room
Sparkling Hill Resort | A Swarovski Hotel and Spa in BC

How did I not know this incredible fairy-tale like place existed a mere half-day drive from my home? Sparkling Hill Resort and Spa is perched high on a hill overlooking the Okanagan Valley just outside of Vernon, British Columbia. Driving up the winding hills past Predator Ridge Golf Course, I
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