Pet Friendly

Pacific Sands Beach Resort Tofino Dog Friendly
This October, Pets are Pampered at the Pacific Sands Beach Resort

At the first sight, nay the first sniff, of a large body of water, my dog goes wild. Her whole body wiggles, she whines until finally we let her out of the car and she explodes into the water. If your dog is anything like mine, they will enter doggy
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Hotel Foster Dogs
Hotel Foster Dogs: Bringing Home Love on Four Feet

Hotel foster dogs are helping travelers rethink the idea of  “souvenir.” What’s the best thing you ever brought home from a trip? There are many happy reminders of trips past scattered throughout our home: a vial of teeny tiny seashells carefully collected from a Cuban beach, the enormous glass hooka we
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Director of Pet Relations
A Pet Away from Home|Directors of Hotel P.R. (Pet Relations)

There is a magnet hanging on the fridge in the kitchen in the house of people I love that says “A house is not a home without a cat.” As an avowed dog person, I prefer my pet hair spread uniformly throughout the house rather than coughed up in balls.
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