
6 Best Donut Shops in North America Photo Credit - Flickr Creative Commons - speakerchad
Donuts to die for: The 6 Best Donut Shops in North America

On a recent trip to Portland, I crowd-sourced friends before heading to “beervana” for suggestions on where to eat and drink. Everyone agreed – VooDoo Donuts was a must visit. As a travel writer, that meant just one thing. Though VooDoo received all the accolades from tourists, I would bet
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5 Music Festivals you can enjoy with kids
Sex, drugs, rock & roll and diapers? Music Festivals with Kids!

I’m by no means a festival addict, but I’ve been to a wide variety of music festivals since discovering them in high school. I wasn’t much more than a kid myself when I attended my first all weekend festival … but would I take my kids to a music festival?
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