My son and I saw the Mini Pop Kids in Concert last weekend. It was his very first concert. I’m sure every child has a memory of their first concert. My first one was New Kids on the Block in the 1990s. I was 12 years old. I’ll never forget it. I have a memory of my grandma taking my sister to a Mini Pops concert before my first concert. I was so jealous. I wanted to go to that concert more than anything. When I saw the Mini Pop Kids were coming to Saskatoon, I jumped at the chance. I thought it would be the perfect first concert for my son and I would finally see a Mini Pops concert (but a different version than the ones in the 90s.) I’m incredibly grateful we got the chance to go. My son is almost six and I hope he cherishes the memory of our concert together.

First concert for my son and his kitty. Photo by Erin McCrea.
We arrived at the concert early because I wanted to find our seats and grab some popcorn. My son could smell the popcorn from outside and he was pretty excited about having some. We were also there early because my son ran to get there from where we parked. He was pumped to see his very first concert. He was bouncing as we entered the theatre.

The entire theatre to ourselves. For a few minutes. Photo by Erin McCrea.
The theatre was pretty empty when we arrived but it did not take long to fill up. We had seats farther back and that was perfect. It was easy to see everything from our seats. The Broadway Theatre is perfect for a kid’s concert. As we waited for the concert to start, we ate our popcorn, watched the videos at the front, and watched as lots of people found their way to seats. We loved watching all the kids coming in and could feel the excitement in the room.

The concert begins. Photo by Erin McCrea.
As the concert begin, you could hear the excitement in the little voices around us. As the singing started, the kids sang and danced as well. They cheered when Saskatoon was mentioned in the songs and they all grinned from ear to ear. Some kids danced in the aisles and others danced in their seats. My son sang to every song and if he didn’t know the words, he made his own up. I think the concert solidified his goal to be a performer when he grows up. He may need some voice lessons first. Neither of us knew all the songs but the entire audience knew “We Don’t Talk about Bruno!” The Mini Pop Kids bring so much energy to the stage and they encouraged the audience to make noise and have fun.

Intermission snacks. Selfie by Erin McCrea.
I think my favourite part of the concert was watching how excited the Mini Pop Kids were to be on tour and able to perform in front of a live audience. I’m grateful as well that my kiddo is able to experience these events, even though I’m still getting used to the crowds. After intermission, the concert started up again and my boy decided to dance in the aisle with the rest of the kids. He had a ton of fun showing off his dance moves. They made sure the parents were involved in the fun as well.
We had such a great time and we are so happy that this was my son’s first concert. I hope it’s a memory that sticks with him! He had a great time dancing with the other kids, making new friends and singing his heart out. The Mini Pop Kids Bright Lights Relit Tour is on now. The Saskatoon date is done but we know they’ll be back. I’m sure my son would love to see them perform again. And this mom is happy she FINALLY got to see a concert with the Mini Pops.
Click here for more April fun in Saskatoon.