It’s been a very HOT this summer in Saskatoon and instead of moving into our fridge for a cool down, we’ve been finding ways to beat the heat and be cool as a cucumber. Hopefully, we won’t have any more heatwaves in Saskatoon but just in case we’ve got you covered!

Beat the Heat in Saskatoon 2024

Spray Pads in Saskatoon

In this heat, everybody loves spray pads! We have a list of all the spray pads in Saskatoon and where you can find them. Take the kids, find some shade, and let them loose in the water. It’s perfect for kids of all ages.

Paddling Pools in Saskatoon

Paddling pools are a perfect place for a free cool-down! There is no better place for your little ones to stay cool and have fun.

Lakes Near Saskatoon Worthy of a Day Trip!

Beat the heat by jumping in a lake! Saskatchewan has fantastic lakes and we’ve got a list of 6 great ones close to Saskatoon!

Saskatchewan Aquatic Adventures

If you’re taking a day trip to the beaches check out the Saskatchewan Aquatic Adventures! We have a list of the beaches you can find them! Take a bounce at the beach.

Cool Off at City of Saskatoon Outdoor Pools

Check out the amazing pools our city has. Stay outdoors and stay cool with the help of our city pools!

Backyard Fun Saskatoon

Stay home and have fun in the sun. Stay hydrated and stay cool! Turn on the sprinklers and have some fun! We don’t have a pool in our yard but we love big water fights.

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Saskatoon Ice Cream Shops

Find the BEST ice cream in Saskatoon! Cool off with delicious ice cream! Cold treats make EVERYTHING better for the entire family on hot days.

AWESOME Indoor Play Centres in Saskatoon!

Another great way to cool off – especially in a heatwave is to stay inside. Find some air conditioning (like an indoor play centre) and let your kids enjoy some cool playtime.

Don’t forget to check out ourĀ Saskatoon Summer Events are Here! Have a fantastic summer, and be safe in this heat! Don’t forget your sunscreen, hats, and water!