Oh. My. Great. Britain. And how great it is! Where else can you:
- Fly on a Hogwart’s broomstick
- Explore the Cotswold countryside in a classic car
- Watch skateboarders on the banks of the River Thames, or
- Dance to traditional Scottish music Near the famed Loch Ness?
This summer, the British tourist board is inviting you to explore Britain and document your amazing experiences via social media . So, when you next have an amazing moment in England, Scotland or Wales, please share your story, video or photograph using the hashtag #OMGB.
You can browse the amazing moments that Britain recommends for families via the #OMGB website, or see what the rest of the world is doing in Britain by checking out other visitors’ fantastic, funny and adventurous #OMGB Tweets
What will your #OMGB moment be? Visit Britain and find out!
Oh My Great Britain! #OMGB Details:
Website: http://en.omgb.com
Twitter: @VisitBritain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lovegreatbritain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovegreatbritain/
Hashtags: #OMGB #LoveGreatBritain