At the annual Chore Horse Competition at Bar U Ranch National Historic Site in September, skilled teamsters (people who drive horses on long reins) harnessed up tons of horseflesh to recreate ranching work of bygone eras. For one afternoon I could sink into the historical connections between steed and horseman, a working relationship made more special because of how powerful and large these gentle giants are.
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More photos from the story When Horses Did Chores: Modern Twists on Ranching History at Bar U Ranch National Historic Site!
All photos Carol Patterson

Visitors can take a wagon ride with the ranch’s heavy horses – Photo Carol Patterson

Bar U Ranch has farmyard animals to visit – Photo Carol Patterson

Bar U Ranch has Canada’s largest collection of historical ranch buildings – Photo Carol Patterson

Bar U Ranch showcases ranching lifestyles from the late 1800s – Photo Carol Patterson

Visitors can take a wagon ride with the ranch’s heavy horses – Photo Carol Patterson

Special events are informal and authentic – Photo Carol Patterson

The Chore Horse Competition challenges teams to navigate obstacles – Photo Carol Patterson

Teamster Geoff Hoar urges Maude and Molly to pull a heavy load – Photo Carol Patterson

Teams must turn within a tight circle under the judge’s watch – Photo Carol Patterson