Photo: Shubenacadie Canal Commission
Explore the historic Shubenacadie Canal Marine Railway with free guided tours every Saturday throughout July!
Between 1861 and 1871, the marine railway carried boats and barges overland between Dartmouth Cove and Sullivan’s Pond, from which they could sail through the rest of the canal to the Bay of Fundy. Visitors will have the opportunity to go inside the flume house, a full-scale modern replica of the building that powered the railway complete with re-creations of the gears and machinery that made the system run. Tours are FREE of charge, but donations to the Shubenacadie Canal Commission are welcome.
Accompanying the tours will be live and local music:
July 6: Aucoin Duo: Celtic fiddle and piano duo
July 13: Riley and Chloe: Irish Celtic fiddle and piano duo
July 20: Brian Hiltz: Hiltz plays the hits, from 50’s covers to modern-day hits
July 27: Up with Gaelic! Traditional Cape Breton/Scottish Gaelic fiddling tradition
Shubenacadie Canal Marine Railway – Free Tours and Live Music
When: Every Saturday in July (6, 13, 20, 27) and August (3, 10, 17)
Time: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Where: Starr Park
Address: 54 Prince Albert Road, Dartmouth, NS
Phone: (902) 462-1826
Website: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/shubenacadie-canal