Memory Lane Heritage Village located in Lake Charlotte in the Eastern Shore region is an award-winning living history village depicting life in rural Nova Scotia during the 1940s, an era transformed by modern conveniences.
The village features 16 rescued and restored buildings with period artifacts including a general store, one-room schoolhouse, church, icehouse and cookhouse. Rural industries such as gold mining, forestry, fishing and boat building are represented in our village buildings and activities. Antique vehicles include a 1928 Model A, a 1948 International pickup and a 1949 Farmal Cub Tractor.
Most buildings include soundscape audio, and costumed guides are on hand to provide tours, answer questions and demonstrate traditional skills. Children will enjoy the riddle-based “Heritage Hunt”, as well as the kittens, lambs and chicks that roam the grounds.
Authentic 1940s cookhouse meals are served daily, including fresh soup, and their famous baked beans and brown bread.
Memory Lane Heritage Village:
Address: 5435 Clam Harbour Road, Lake Charlotte, N.S.
Phone: (902) 845-1937