The Halifax Princess Tea and Superhero Party is set to be an afternoon of everything Princess and Superhero! This annual event, presented by Lawtons Drugs, brings the magic of fairytales to life! Mix and mingle with your favourite characters, enjoy games, crafts, face painting treats and tea, and of course, lots of Princesses and Superheroes. Come experience this magical and heroic day, and help grant a child’s most heartfelt wish.
Halifax Princess Tea and Superhero Party
Date: Sunday April 7th, 2019
Time: Seating A: 10:30 am – 1:30 pm/Seating B: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Lord Nelson Hotel, 1515 South Park Street, Halifax
Tickets: $55 per person
Tickets/More info:
Phone: 902-492-0035