I’ll admit, I have never solved a Rubik’s Cube. I have pulled the coloured square stickers off and put them back in an attempt to make it look like I solved it, but…it was all a lie.
The videos of the “super solvers” then, in the Beyond Rubik’s Cube exhibit at the TELUS World of Science—puzzlers who have deciphered the secret to the cube and are able to rearrange the squares at lightening speeds or in extreme conditions (like while sky diving!)—fill me with awe, and maybe just the tiniest bit of shame at my dishonest ways.
The mesmerizing videos are not the only fantastic part of the exhibit though! As we have come to expect at TWoS there is plenty of hands on learning. My boys were thrilled with the giant Rubik’s Cube they could manipulate via a scaled down controller, the magnetized shapes they could form into colourful polyhedrons, and a display that played the music of the cubes.
There are also displays of Rubik’s solving robots and countless versions of the puzzle in different shapes and styles—it is a striking aesthetic. I spent a while ogling the jewel encrusted version. Yowza!
The Beyond Rubik’s Cube exhibit is a great chance to learn more about the boldly coloured puzzle that has found a place in many homes. If you are like me, you haven’t really given it much thought, but the intricate game is a math tool and even an art piece.
Perhaps my favourite takeaway from the exhibit though wasn’t in the exhibit itself. It sprang from a conversation with one of the scientist/docents on hand: a brand new puzzle solving app on my phone! It takes picture of every stage of the puzzle and spells out how to move in order to solve it. A slightly less blatant version of cheating, but I’ll take it!
Beyond Rubik’s Cube Contact Details:
The latest exhibit at the TELUS World of Science is Beyond Rubik’s Cube. It’s a fun and interactive exhibition with lots to see and do! Have fun in one of the three interactive zones that have something for every age and every puzzler ability!
When: November 7, 2015- Feb 15, 2016
Time: Sunday – Thursday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm; Friday & Saturday: 9:00 am-8:00 pm
Where: TELUS World of Science
Address: 11211 – 142 Street
Phone: 780-451-3344
Website: telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca