Moments after we walked in the door after trick or treating last year on Halloween, my son declared: “Next year for Halloween I’m going to be a ….”
“Stop!” I said, “It’s too soon!
But that’s how kids minds work; they start planning the fun before they even finish having fun. This adult, on the other hand, tends to fly by the seat of the pants at the last minute… So while I’ve managed to (barely) get things together each year, I know that there but for a little grace goes my child dressed ironically enough as a kid for Halloween. If this is you too, here are some quick and easy costumes that can be done with very little forethought, with items you probably have at home. And just in time for the rush of parties and events happening this weekend!
From the Animal Kingdom:
Cat: Dress your child in an all black outfit, stuff a black sock and pin it to their waistband for a tail, draw on some eyeliner whiskers and either make ears from a headband and black construction paper or find a set at a dollar store.
Pig: like the cat, your child can wear all pink and you can create a curly tail from a pink sock and some wire. Make a pink snout from construction paper and a little string and presto piggy!
From Pop Culture:
Buckethead Zombie from PvZ: Grey make up with fake scars, ripped up clothes, bucket that fits the noggin. Check out this great interpretation.
Boo from Monsters: A long pink t-shirt, purple tights and pigtails
Minecraft guys: Boxes plus some paint and tape means pretty soon you’ll have your own creeper, skeleton or Steve roaming the streets.
Oldies but goodies:
Ghost: White bedsheet with holes for eyes and mouth. What could be easier?
Princess: Such an easy outfit! Her best dress and a cone hat from pink construction paper or poster board. Add a long piece of tulle and lots of glitter to bling it out. Cut a star shape from cardboard and glue it to a wooden dowel (or chopstick or wooden spoon in a pinch) adding ribbon for embellishment.
A Bunch of Grapes: dress child in green clothes, blow up a bunch of purple or green balloons and safety pin them to the shirt.
80’s Hair Rocker; a crazy hair wig, some guy liner, ripped jeans, and arms covered in temporary tattoos. A guitar cut out of cardboard completes the look.

See, the Dads get in on the action too!
Photo Courtesy of Ruff Ruminations
If you give a parent a cardboard box…:
Robot: boxes, tinfoil, black markers, construction paper and a little imagination. Wear grey clothing underneath and use old tissue boxes for ‘shoes’
Lego: You know those plastic beer cups left over from summer BBQ’s? Wrap a box in paper the same color as your cups and glue them onto the box.
Borrow costumes from a friend or neighbor, or if they really liked last years costume, they can wear it again.
Mad Scientist: An old lab coat, pocket protector and a pair of black glasses (ie ones from 3d movies). Mess up the hair and presto!
Re-purpose sports equipment that they have; Soccer Player, Ice or Field Hockey player, Lacrosse player etc. A great way to get one more use out of a huge investment.