Maybe you want to pen the Terrible First Draft of your long-dreamed about novel. Or finally record the milestones in your teen’s nearly empty baby book. You might be determined to learn how to crochet, or get your Etsy store up and operational. You could be dreaming about getting a dozen blog posts written and scheduled, brainstorming a new business idea, or finally printing and organizing your thousands of photos in albums.
The typical mom has so many day-to-day responsibilities that it can be challenging to put in a concerted effort on a big project. Carving out five minutes here and an hour there isn’t usually enough to move the needle on a big task that keeps dropping to the bottom of your To Do list.
It might be time to take a creative retreat!
Sure, it would be lovely to take an all-inclusive three-week getaway in the stunning Mauritius, like the participants in Project Getaway. Each year, 20 entrepreneurs live and work together in an inspiring and luxurious location with deluxe accommodation, meals, massages, motivational speakers, collaborative meetings and more.
But if you can’t afford the $3,500 US price tag (flights extra), we have some ideas about how you can carve out a weekend or week to work on a project that’s been begging for your attention.
Solo, or the more the merrier?
Just because you have a lot to accomplish, doesn’t mean this trip has to be all work and no play. Many hands make light work – depending on what you’re trying to complete, it could be advantageous to have a few girlfriends along who also have their own projects on the go, or who want to help you with yours. Combining work with fun can mean work goes quicker, ideas flow faster, and the wine flows freely.
Just the right spot
When I was doing the final edit on my first book, I confined myself in a private cabin in Canmore, Alberta, complete with a tiny kitchen, fireplace and no need to leave the cabin once I had bought groceries. Without Wi-Fi though, I was limited to what I could research on my phone as needed. You might choose a bed and breakfast near a beautiful walking trail if you need quiet time for introspection and inspiration, or a spot with a lovely outdoor patio for working in nature. House sitting or borrowing a friend’s cottage can be a good way to make your retreat affordable.
My current favourite working escape destination is Copper Point Resort in Invermere, British Columbia. It has suites with multiple work stations (at the kitchen island, couch, desk or table on the private balcony), a spa to sneak away to, an outdoor hot tub and a full kitchen for keeping costs down by eating in. Another one of our favourite retreats is Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa in Vernon, British Columbia, which has plenty to do during your breaks, and is simply a gorgeous place to spend some time being creative.
Just book it
Let this be the year you make the time to be inspired and finish your creative project. Don’t talk about it, just book it! Who knows? Maybe you’ll write a chart-topping, massive-advance snagging book, like Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez. The first-time author landed a nearly $500,000 book deal after writing Dirty Girls Social Club in a six-day writing binge in a Starbucks coffee shop!
Or you might just get that ancient baby book done before your teen is old enough to have their own baby someday.