Plan a special storytime, tell some jokes, play a game, follow a favourite recipe … what is your family going to do on Family Literacy Day to celebrate all things written and read?

Family Literacy Day, a national awareness initiative, is held annually on January 27 to promote to families the importance of reading and other literacy-related activities. Making at least a little time each day for learning together is crucial to a child’s development. ABC Life Literacy Canada encourages families to “Take 20.” Take 20 minutes to make learning together a part of your every day; it can dramatically improve a child’s literacy skills and help parents with their own skills, too. Go to the ABC Family Life Literacy Website to get some ideas on how to spend your 20 minutes of literacy, and to learn more about literacy and families.

“For a child, the more time spent with a parent reading aloud increases his or her level of attachment, enhances a sense of security, and imparts the knowledge that their parent feels they are worthwhile people with whom to spend time.” (How to Raise a Reader, 1987)

See here for the official list of Family Literacy Day activities around Alberta. More activities are usually added closer to the date and you may find others in your community. We will list notable events below.

Family Literacy Day:

When: January 27th, annually