Ready, set, paddle! The best kind of summer is a summer spent on the water. When school lets out this year, your kids can stay active, learning new skills and making new friends, while enjoying a wonderful experience on the water! Calgary Canoe Club offers summer camps that teach the sport of paddling in a welcoming and positive environment.

Calgary Canoe Club is located on the Glenmore Reservoir. This central Calgary location offers 14 km of shoreline to paddle, a nearby nature reserve, and scenic views. The Club was established in 1959 to allow youth and adults to acquire lifelong paddling skills. They provide training for everyone from beginners to those interested in the competitive paddling disciplines of sprint canoe, kayak, and outrigger.

Calgary Canoe Club Summer Camps (Family Fun Calgary)

Summer Camps for New Paddlers

Calgary Canoe Club offers summer camps in two-week sessions for kids ages 9 – 12. These two-week camps give kids an opportunity to learn the basics in recreation canoes, kayaks and dragon boats, along with some dryland games and activities. In week 2 they will progress to the racing canoes and kayaks, from singles and doubles to fours and the 15-person War Canoe. Camps are led by certified coaches who are passionate about their sport, offering a fun environment where kids can thrive. If participants enjoyed the two-week camp, they can continue and join the Sprint team for the remainder of the season.

NEW* Check the Youth section for info on the spring intro session and the 4-day Dragon Boat Camp, including participation in the Calgary Dragon Boat Festival with our CCC Youth Team.

Summer Camps for Returning Paddlers

Do your kids have experience paddling and already know they love it? If paddlers have completed one of Calgary Canoe Club’s introductory programs, Learn to Paddle or Intro to Sprint, they can join the Racing Team for the summer (or part of the summer). This program goes beyond the basics to help paddlers master the racing canoes and kayaks.

What to Expect

If you have a new paddler, they may be wondering what their days will look like. Participants will learn the basics for on-water safety and working as a team. They will develop technical skills with the canoes and kayaks, including an introduction to racing. There is no swimming allowed in the Glenmore Reservoir but kids will play on-water games in the boats and learn to balance in the less stable racing boats, so always have a change of clothes just in case they get wet, and yes, kids must wear a lifejacket at all times.

Confidence and teamwork, getting fit and having fun — your kids will love life on the water this summer! Registration is now open for Calgary Canoe Club Summer Camps.

Calgary Canoe Club Summer Camps:

Date: July and August 2025 (Camps run for two weeks)
Time: 9 AM – 4 PM
Venue: Calgary Canoe Club (Glenmore Reservoir)
Address: 7305 Crowchild Trail South, Calgary, AB

Need more ideas? Find our Summer Camp Guide here.