Robin Farr

Author Bio:

Robin Farr is a writer, wife, communications professional, speaker and mom. She experienced undiagnosed postpartum depression after her son was born in 2008 and started her blog, Farewell, Stranger as a way of writing herself out of it. In doing so she discovered strength in brutal honesty and the power of community.


Posts by Robin Farr:

Choosing One Word for 2014

Posted on: January 5, 2014

By Robin Farr Resolutions, goals, commitments – whatever you call them, this is the time of year for setting them. I used to make resolutions and, like many others, quickly forgot about them by the second week of January. They were either too hard or too specific or just too
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How to Keep the Magic of Santa Alive

Posted on: December 2, 2013

By Robin Farr As kids get older, they start to lose the little glint of magic in their eyes that comes with believing in Santa. For many parents this is a sad milestone, and no wonder! We all need a little bit of magic in our lives. Here are 5
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International Tongue Twister Day is Sunday November 10!

Posted on: November 8, 2013

By Robin Farr I always feel a little silly when International Talk Like a Pirate Day comes around in September. Maybe it’s because I don’t feel like I can pull off a hearty, “Arr, matey!” On the other hand, International Tongue Twister Day, recognized each year on the second Sunday
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Trick-or-Treating for First Timers

Posted on: October 23, 2013

By Robin Farr This year for the first time we’re going to have two trick-or-treaters in the family: Connor is five (and as excited about candy as you’d expect) and Ethan has just turned one. He was around last Halloween, of course, but at just under a month old he
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