
Elizabeth Booth

Author Bio:

Elizabeth Chorney-Booth is a Calgary-based freelance writer and editor. Her work has appeared in Swerve, the Calgary Herald, Culinaire, Up!, Where, and various other titles. She's also the co-editor of RollingSpoon.com, a website that mashes up food and music culture. Even more than writing, she loves hanging out and taking in local events with her family, including her two small kids and very patient husband.


Posts by Elizabeth Booth:

When a Male Teacher is the Best Man For the Job

Posted on: March 1, 2013

There’s been a lot of talk this week about whether or not Canadian school boards should be implementing a policy to hire more male teachers for elementary schools. I’ve heard all kinds of arguments that having male teachers in the early grades can be great for engaging boys and providing
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Commander Chris Hadfield Tweets From Space!

Posted on: January 13, 2013

Did you know that the reach of social media extends all the way to outer space? Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency is currently on a mission living on board the International Space Station as Flight Engineer on Expedition 34, and will be the Commander of Expedition 35.
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Organize Your Family with Me in a Tree

Posted on: November 14, 2012

One of the biggest complaints families tend to have as their children grow older is the chaos that ensues with everyone’s conflicting schedules. Between hockey practice, ballet lessons, school council meetings, and, if you’re lucky, an occasional date night for the parents, keeping things organized can feel impossible. Me in
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